A mind that has been stretched can never go back to its old dimensions.
This is life. Oliver Wendall Homes Jr. hit the nail on the head.
This is what life is for. These the experiences I want to have. And the people I want to meet.
This is what life is for.
When we have a new experience, we change forever. You know that saying, ‘when is the last time you’ve done something for the first time?’ It’s still coming up on Pinterest memes and Instagram hashtags because it actually makes you think about what your answer actually is.
Psychologists have shown curious people are happier. When something is new, you can revel in it. You can find meaning and connections and beauty. I can walk into the white powdered sand surrounded by crystal blue water in the middle of the Indian ocean off one of the Maldivian islands. I can experience the hot ocean water splashing around my ankles as I look around me and all I see is the sea. I can walk on water.
Or I can examine how chanting in an ancient temple with krishna devotees changes my energy.
Or I can simply be thankful to be walking down a street I’ve never been on before on a beautiful day in New York City.
“People who revel in moments live longer.” A friend told me that while I was traveling. That changed my life. This life can be our medicine. You can get whatever lessons and healing you need here. You can be thankful and find joy in dismal places. You can raise your vibration; not based on circumstances, but how you intercept them into your life.
To let new experiences grow the mind and alter the way the way we participate in life, is our own personal story. No one will ever know exactly what we know.
This is what life is for.
Once you know something, you can’t unknow it. The more I learn, the more I see how little I know. I’m thirsty for knowledge that’s rooted in experience, rather than what’s written in a textbook or article. I want to know what I’m wrong about. Acknowledging that things aren’t exactly as I thought they were once, makes me see that most of my thoughts could be changed at anytime. I now know that every story has two sides and probably more. I’ve begun to seek the absolute truth.
For me, this is what life is about. To grow, to learn, to expand, to realize. To elevate my understanding every day. To be open. To be wrong. To connect.
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